Category: Personal

  • I need some Hangover Music

  • Technology I couldn’t live without

    TivoSimply put, the best product ever. EVER. Netflix If you rent blockbuster 3 times a month or more, it is insane to not get netflix. I hardly watch TV anymore. Now I watch Star Trek every night. Bose Noise Cancelling HeadphonesAbsolutely phenomenal. Use it on the plane and drown out the engine noise. Use it […]

  • Kitty Time

    I am thinking about getting a cat.

  • My New Razor Changes Everything

    Just bought a Norelco lotion dispensing razor.  What is so great is that it works in the shower AND it came with a fog proof mirror.  Now I can bring my Sonicare toothbrush AND razor in the shower. It even came with a fog proof mirror.  Which brings up a point.  If they can make […]