Generate Inserts from a Stored Procedure

I have said it before, but I use this website as a storage facility for my brain. Trying to find that one useful script I used 2 years ago is always harder than it needs to.

Well, here is the latest cool script I couldn't find. It was written by Narayana Vyas Kondreddi and is immensely useful.

CREATE  PROC sp_generate_inserts
@table_name varchar(776), -- The table/view for which the INSERT statements will be generated using the existing data
@target_table varchar(776) = NULL, -- Use this parameter to specify a different table name into which the data will be inserted
@include_column_list bit = 1, -- Use this parameter to include/ommit column list in the generated INSERT statement
@from varchar(800) = NULL, -- Use this parameter to filter the rows based on a filter condition (using WHERE)
@include_timestamp bit = 0, -- Specify 1 for this parameter, if you want to include the TIMESTAMP/ROWVERSION column's data in the INSERT statement
@debug_mode bit = 0, -- If @debug_mode is set to 1, the SQL statements constructed by this procedure will be printed for later examination
@owner varchar(64) = NULL, -- Use this parameter if you are not the owner of the table
@ommit_images bit = 0, -- Use this parameter to generate INSERT statements by omitting the 'image' columns
@ommit_identity bit = 0, -- Use this parameter to ommit the identity columns
@top int = NULL, -- Use this parameter to generate INSERT statements only for the TOP n rows
@cols_to_include varchar(8000) = NULL, -- List of columns to be included in the INSERT statement
@cols_to_exclude varchar(8000) = NULL, -- List of columns to be excluded from the INSERT statement
@disable_constraints bit = 0, -- When 1, disables foreign key constraints and enables them after the INSERT statements
@ommit_computed_cols bit = 0 -- When 1, computed columns will not be included in the INSERT statement


Procedure: sp_generate_inserts (Build 22)


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